St. John Tigerton
Here are a few of the many ways
to get involved at St. John.
Decorating Committee
This is a small group that is in charge of keeping the church decorated for the seasons. Contact Virginia Kauffman (715-535-2561) to help out.
Volunteers are needed for ushering. Any members confirmed or older should contact Joel Mueller (715-253-2387) to volunteer.
Altar Guild
Ladies from St. John take care of altar paraments and flowers and prepare communion ware for Holy Communion at each Divine Service. Interested women should contact Carol Lehman (715-881-1345).
Anyone interested in being a greeter before church services should contact Sarah Knaup (715-535-2282). All you need is a friendly smile.
Anyone interested in helping out in Wednesday CCBC should contact Candra Kielblock (715-535-2454).
Anyone who has a love for music and singing is welcome to be in the St. John choir. Contact Jonathan Knaup (715-754-5995) for more information.
Funeral Serving
Volunteers are always needed for funerals. If it’s not your circle and you would still like to help, you can be put on a list of extras. Contact Marilyn Koepke (715-535-3139) to sign up.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is for any woman who is interested in missions and serving others. Contact Leah Lehman (715-535-2172) for more information.
Communion Servers
St. John is looking for men to help with communion duties. If you are interested, contact Pastor Suehring at 715-535-2282. Please prayerfully consider. Thank you.
A group of woman meet after Bible Study on Thursdays during the winter months to cut, sew, and tie quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Anyone interested in helping should contact Leah Lehman (715-535-2172).