St. John Tigerton

Pastor: Reverend Dean Suehring Phone: (715) 851-1151
Secretary: Sarah Knaup Church Phone: (715) 535-2282 Email: stjohntigerton@gmail.com
President: Jim Fuhrman Phone: (715) 881-0397
Organist: Jonathan Knaup
Custodian: Dale Selle Phone: (715) 535-2437
Address: 502 Cedar St., Tigerton, WI 54486
Welcome to St. John
God's love encompasses all of us. His command is that we "believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another." (1 John 4:23). We come together with purpose to pray, to worship our Lord, and to be strengthened for life in the world. We extend a hearty invitation for you to join us, because we care and share Christian fellowship.
Worship Times
Sundays @ 9:00am
w/ Holy Communion
Wed Lenton Services @ 5:00pm
w/Holy Communion
Weekly Schedule
​Bible Study @ 9:30am
Wednesdays (Sept-Jun)
Sunday School @ 10:00am
Sundays (Sept-May)
Confirmation Class @ 6:30pm
Wednesdays (Sept-May)
LWML @ 10:30am
3rd Wednesday of the month
Choir Practice - Mondays @ 5:00pm